
10月, 2018の投稿を表示しています

The Snow Queen

"You'll never do it, my icing boy!"   She said. Her cold laugh bounced.      It begins to be cold in these days. By the way,  have you ever seen a Snow Queen?  In this week, I read the book "The Snow Queen" which was written by Hans Christian Andersen.      In this story, there are two children who was named Gerda and Kay. Ther were vest friend , however, one day, the magic mirror's piece was into Kay's heart. He became very bad boy, and one snow day, he went with a woman...who was called the Snow Queen! Please read it if you are interested in!

Where is her?

"Where is her? She has missing!!"  Our schooldays came again since October, didn't it?  The book "missing in  cornwall" starts from the student's days. This story's heroin is Sammansa, who called "Sam". One day, she found a new students.  She get along with him soon. However, an woman is around of her. She stolen Sam's diary and got a information that they are going to go school trip... Please read it if you were interested in!

Do you want to use it...?

' Look at it, ' the soldier answered.  ' It`s a little paw... a monkey`s paw '    Do you know about "the monkey`s paw"? It is a wondering and terrible goods. You can wish three wishes and they would come true,.However you would be in unhappiness after that.    One cold and dark night, White family welcomed one visiter. He was once a soldier in India. He brought one strange goods...    Please read it if you were interested in!